Monday, September 1, 2008

The Beginning

Though the date may say September 1, 2008 the real beginning of this film was over a year and a half ago. Ideation, conceptualization, and storyboarding began Winter 2007. Four months of planning, drawing, and critique followed. By June 2007 I had decided that I would not begin production on the film until September 2008. As work on the film moved into a state of hibernation so did my consideration of the project. I rarely thought about the film until this past August when the project was rudely awakened from its slumber by the onset of the school year.

At first I was concerned that the film would no longer be of interest to me - that I would be sucked into an inescapable maelstrom of regret and disdain for my original idea. But I was thankful to find that my feelings were somewhat the opposite. After reviewing my storyboard I discovered a rejuvinated desire to create and communicate through the film. I only pray that this feeling remains lest it be a tough journey ahead on the road to April.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michael-

    Can you post a revised storyboard or animatic?

    You may be interested in this link:

    It features some coloring by Jules Engel. Some of the BGs use simple textures that might appeal to you. Also, there is some discussion of his technique in the comments below.

    There are more examples of his coloring at this link:
    but I didn't notice the same type of texturing.
